Role —————————
User research
Product design
Trucking is a high-risk, low-margin business where independent truckers have developed a heavy dose of skepticism toward any tech solution, even if that solution promises to increase their profits and overall efficiency.
SmartHop partnered with Craft to identify truckers’ needs and envision a future user experience where SmartHop can engage with truckers as a trusted partner and advisor, not just as a distant dispatcher.
Craft conducted a series of user interviews with long-haul truckers in order to uncover their needs, pinpoint their challenges, and explore opportunities for design. While interviews were ongoing, Craft also reviewed the current SmartHop app and website to identify gaps in the overall user experience and compared SmartHops offerings against competitors.
Craft found that transparency, support, consistency, usability and frequent communication were key to building trust with truckers, and there were opportunities to provide these pillars of trust via SmartHop’s digital experience.
Craft provided SmartHop with a series of user types (personas), an experience map, several thematic frameworks, and strategic design concepts that clearly and succinctly articulate near and long-term opportunities. These screens illustrate research findings in a cohesive, digestible format for multi-disciplinary teams to leverage in detailed design.