


By Craft

When you put people at the center of how you build and design for AI, you get Good AI.

Craft is excited to introduce our Principles for Good AI; an initial point of view on how we can build AI that benefits people. Have your own perspective on AI? Take a moment to read through ours at the link in bio and drop us a line. We want to hear from you!

humans behind ai

By Quinn Simpson, Design Director

Will AI wipe out humanity? Did AI just cure cancer? Does AI know if I’m pregnant? The short answer—nope. Craft recently hosted a discussion with Machine Learning Engineer Israel Knight to unravel the myths, understand the immense human effort fueling AI, and discover the imperative to build a better, more ethical future for AI.


By Craft

Jeremy Merle, founder of Craft, was recently interviewed by Jennifer Ejeh of Techstars Startup Digest about his entrepreneurial journey, the innovative projects Craft’s team is currently working on, and the unique challenges and opportunities for entrepreneurs in Boston.


By Emily Stuart, Research Director

We never deliver research findings without some level of visualization and, more often than not, we articulate our research recommendations in design format. We believe that our role is not just to tell you what we learned, we also need to show you what it means and how to enact it.

vaporwave to software

By Sean Sheehan, Senior UX Researcher

Your team has been working diligently at building your new product, engaging users along the way to evaluate how well it addresses the needs of your target audience. Launch day finally arrives and the reviews are mixed. Feedback is coming through from all directions — while the core function of the product appears to be working, some of the interactions are clunky and navigation isn’t as clear as it should be in some places. Oh no!


By Jemma Frost, Senior UX Researcher

As a UX researcher by day and a witchy-curious person by night, I’ve been fascinated by tarot for years. While studying the cards, I uncovered a connection between tarot and the way design professionals find patterns and solve problems.

The End of Monotony

By Paul Dunbar, Senior Designer

The digital design world is waving bye-bye to the era of flat design. What’s emerging is a vibrant mix of Flat 2.0, morphisms (skuo, glass, neu, etc), and a delightful dose of playfulness. Each application may find its own unique balance, but one thing’s certain — our UIs are on the brink of an exciting and much-needed transformation.

Writing the Unwritten

By Emily Stuart, Research Director

An example of how we are using a human-centered design process to iterate on & evolve our agency’s culture.


By Lindsey Kerr, UX Researcher

Balance is a key principle in yoga practice, and those lessons translate into the practice of design research as well. When considering intention, approach, impactful reporting, and collaborating with designers, researchers can learn a thing or two about balancing opposing forces and ideas.




By Jemma Frost, Senior UX Researcher

Jemma speaks about the different outputs of user research (from findings to insights, frameworks, and more) and their level of impact.


By Sean Sheehan, Senior UX Researcher

Games are more than just a fun way to spend our time. They force us to think critically, evaluate tradeoffs, and make logical decisions about our next best action. Sean provides some inspiration for gamifying your next study.


By Jemma Frost, Senior UX Researcher

Jemma speaks about the different outputs of user research (from findings to insights, frameworks, and more) and their level of impact.


Kieran Evans


Bri Warnick


Ryan Johnson


By Sean Sheehan, Senior User Researcher

Rather than pose a stepwise process for conducting better research or building a better strategy for folks to map out in a framework or flowchart, Sean highlights three virtues he thinks anyone responsible for leading user research and strategy should seek to embody.


By Joseph Mueller, Senior Designer

Joe brings us a Little UX Lesson from his day-to-day experience as a designer at Craft.


By Lindsey Kerr, UX Research

Lindsey breaks down the project factors that impact how research and design paths converge.


By Madeleine Sauvignon, Engagement Strategy

Balancing the roles of Project Management, Account Management, and Strategy may sound like a lot to juggle, but this role feels like a long-awaited missing link in my career.